Monday, April 15, 2019

Ian Bott: Tuesday Two Cents

Hello and welcome, dear readers. Today is Tuesday, and that means it's time for some "Tuesday Two Cents" worth of writing advice.

Welcome, Ian Bott, writer of page-turning Science Fiction, and fabulous scifi artist. A big thank you for so generously taking the time to answer this question: If you could share one piece of writing advice with new writers, what would it be?

Treat all writing advice with caution, and cultivate your own good judgment about what advice to pay attention to. Even when it comes from big name authors and industry pundits.

Note - I’m not suggesting to ignore writing advice, or to think you always know best. That’s kinda arrogant. 

There’s lots of good advice out there, and you need to learn from people who’ve been through the mill before you, and some of it will be stuff you don’t want to hear. But then there’s also lots of bad advice out there. And conflicting advice. And advice that is a good rule of thumb when you understand the purpose behind it, but which can be damaging when taken blindly to extremes. Then there’s advice which may be really good in the right context but which is actually bad for you right now.

In other words, it’s a minefield. So listen to advice. Try it out. See what works and what doesn’t and most importantly try to fathom out why it works, or doesn’t. Then make up your own mind. After all, when your published work is up there for the world to see, it’s your name on the cover, not the person whose advice you followed.

Author bio
Ian Bott is a public servant by day, and a science fiction author by night when his dark side emerges to wreak murder and mayhem on unsuspecting imaginary worlds. He uses his lifelong love of both science and art to bring new worlds to life for readers to escape to. Back in the real world, he escaped from Britain fourteen years ago but still misses proper pubs, pork pies, and real bacon. He now lives in beautiful British Columbia with his wife, two children, and assorted pets.

Amazon link for The Ashes of Home:


Shayla Carver, master assassin (retired) and planetary governor, has made more enemies than an Imperial tax collector. To atone for her murderous past, she’s now exiled and tasked with rebuilding her home planet, a planet which was burned to ashes many years before.

As if exile wasn’t punishment enough, she’s ordered to act as both jailor and protector of the two powerful and traitorous noblemen who destroyed her home world all those years ago.

But deadly ghosts from her past haunt her every step. One especially dangerous enemy is intent not just on personal revenge, but on assassinating her influential prisoners. While she wouldn’t shed a tear for those prisoners, their deaths will topple the Empire and plunge the galaxy into a devastating civil war. Suddenly, even her own survival is the least of Shayla’s worries.

Shayla Carver, master assassin (retired) and planetary governor, has made more enemies than an Imperial tax collector. To atone for her murderous past, she’s now exiled and tasked with rebuilding her home planet, a planet which was burned to ashes many years before.

As if exile wasn’t punishment enough, she’s ordered to act as both jailor and protector of the two powerful and traitorous noblemen who destroyed her home world all those years ago.

But deadly ghosts from her past haunt her every step. One especially dangerous enemy is intent not just on personal revenge, but on assassinating her influential prisoners. While she wouldn’t shed a tear for those prisoners, their deaths will topple the Empire and plunge the galaxy into a devastating civil war. Suddenly, even her own survival is the least of Shayla’s worries.

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